Wednesday, August 27, 2008

35 weeks

35 weeks and counting...

I go back to the doctor on September 2 - going every week now:)


Mandy said...

Oh look ready!

Anonymous said...

Yes you do!! I'll be thinking of you at the Dr. and my kids starting a new school all on the same day. Let me know how it goes.

Abby said...

I don't think you are going to make your due date ;)

Nana-Judy said...

Ron said: "Wow!" when I showed him your pic. I'm wondering along with Abby if you will go earlier than your due date. Have you cut back on your work hours? Maybe it is time for "Mama" to get some rest/relaxation time in while the kids are in school and before baby gets here. We'll be thinking about you!

Lori said...

I was off about half the month of August. I had to take my vacation by the end of the month or else I would loose it. I am rested up and ready for baby!

We are putting the crib up tomorrow:)